World Trade Centre Ghana Conference

Location: London

Attendees: 75 People

VIPs: Senior Ghana Diplomats and Business people

With less than a weeks notice, I was asked to organise a business conference for 20+ Ghanaian companies (CEOs & Directors) seeking joint venture partnerships and investment from UK companies across key sectors including Health care, Infrastructure, Finance and Automobiles.

Within a week, I was able to confirm speakers from the Department of Trade, Department for International trade, UK Export Finance and various UK Chambers of Commerce. Since I was involved in the organisation of the conference I was keen to make sure that each Ghanaian company was paired with a UK counterpart.

Not only did I organise the event, but I also hosted it moderating panels on Ghana’s investment opportunities and how UK companies can create joint ventures with Ghanaian companies. Feedback from the event was excellent, with successful partnerships made… Job Done

What I learned: The importance of making sure that there is follow up after the event. My role as an MC doesn’t stop when the event is over, it ends when relationships are made.

'“ML-Q has the ability to make accomplished business people connect as human beings and build genuine connection.”

Kofi Addo - Ghana High Commission


Kuenehiya Art Prize


Ghana Tourism Authority Summit